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Chinese translation for "worn pants"


Related Translations:
a leather pants:  皮革裤
worn bearing:  磨损轴承用旧的轴承,报废轴承
wear oxidation:  磨擦腐蚀磨损性氧化摩擦腐蚀
wearing plate:  防磨板减磨板抗磨板磨擦片摩擦片耐磨板耐磨衬板
wearing character:  磨损特性
wear intensity:  磨耗程度磨损度
wear hollow:  耗损成空壳耗损空壳
cup wear:  杯形磨耗
sea wear:  海洋服
wear plate:  垫磨板防磨板防磨耗板抗磨板磨耗增强板耐磨板耐磨护板硬片(摩擦片)
Example Sentences:
1.Women with thick thighs should avoid wearing pants
2.Wear pants that are easy to take off and put on
3.Too hot to wear shirts , too hot to wear pants . .
4.Too hot to wear shirts , too hot to wear pants
5.People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies
6.Donald duck comics were banned from finland because he doesn ' t wear pants
7.Let ' s see if i can name a few off the cuff or without any preparation . people wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies
8.Chandler : ( to phoebe ) you know what ' s weird . donald duck never wore pants . but whenever he ' s getting out of the shower , he always put a towel around his waist
9.At the age when some of the kids might even still wear pants with slits for convenience for going to toilet , anita mui already started her singing and dancing on stage
10.The guardians of the ancient japanese sport of sumo yesterday rebuffed attempts to allow shy pubescent boys to wear pants instead of the traditional loin cloths
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